At JPR, it is very important for us to get to know you better. As indicated in the May Newsletter, we are seeking information from you so that we can communicate with you on a more personal level.

We have created the below short questionaire that we hope you will complete. Please take the time to fill it out as the more information you provide us with, the better JPR becomes for everyone.

Simply copy and paste the below questionaire into an email, fill it in, and send to


• How old are you? i.e. 30-40, 50-60
• Where do you live?
• What is your Occupation?
• How did you become involved with JPR?
• What are your Hobbies?
• What Football team do you barrack for?
• Favourite Race Track?
• All time Favourite Horse?
• Favourite Jockey?
• Favourite Racing moment?
• What race do you most want to win?
• Do you prefer Sprinters or Stayers?
• Are you interested in owningfurther horses in the future?
• What is Jason Petch Racing doing well?
• What can Jason Petch Racing improve on?
• What Social events would you attend if JPR was to conduct?

Again, we thankyou for your time and I do hope that you take a few minutes to fill out this short questionaire and we look forward to meeting you in the future.

Team JPR